Halliard Trust

Lower Park School is a much-valued member of the Halliard Trust, a family of academy schools committed to providing an exceptional all-round education that equips young people with the character, knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of a changing world.
Established in 2014 and formerly known as The Fallibroome Trust, the Halliard Trust currently numbers eleven schools; eight primaries and three high schools and is growing carefully. We work closely together, sharing school improvement expertise and good practice on curriculum, assessment and behaviour. We want pupils to be happy, safe and inspired to learn.
Being part of the Halliard Trust means structured career pathways and opportunities for colleagues, supported by high-quality professional development. We also support our schools with staffing, finance, IT, building maintenance, data and intelligence, and management and governance, giving school staff more time to focus on the priorities of teaching and learning.
We live by the Trust’s values of Respect, Integrity and Optimism and have a strong intent to meet the level of the best.
Visit the Halliard Trust website.
Address: Halliard Trust, The Fallibroome Academy, Priory Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 4AF.
Telephone: 01625 813510
Email: info@fallibroometrust.com
Halliard Trust (Company Number: 07346144)
Registered Office situated in England & Wales